This is the best game ever!!
Hopefully once the REAL game players get online (not the little 12 year olds who are having a hard time reading the big words), this game will show a huge overall rating boost!
Whats with you people? I cant see the main character looking "gay" or like a chippendale in any way, shape or form? Leather automatically makes him gay??'ve been watching too many movies.
The artwork is great, the sound is awesome and the gameplay is unrivaled by any other RPG on NG. Gimme a freakin break people. Take a little bit more time playing it before you review. The game last a good 4 hours or more, and people are already reviewing it? Unless you are in the time and space chamber from DBZ, I seriously doubt you had the time to complete the whole game and witness its splendor in its entirety.
This game isnt for people who just want to push a few buttons and beat up on some stick people. This is a well oiled piece of RPG machinery. If you cant handle the time and patiencce it takes to play a RPG like FF or Dragonquest, then this game isnt for you, go back to your pokemon stadium or kirbys adventure, this is too much for you.
I just want to congratulate Septimus on his dedication and effort he put into this game.
Great job!! I'm looking forward to your next project.
<URL> http://www.mindgamesstudios <\URL>